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Artiste Linkaband depuis 10 mois
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1 musicien
Hauts de Seine- 92 (peut se déplacer)
Reprises et Compositions originales
Matériel : Entièrement autonome
Profil visité 845 fois
Daizy is an European singer, songwriter who is deeply inspired by the world of cabaret and musical, the old eras starting from the 1800s til the 1990s.
Within these centuries she finds her inspiration in the three following period:1, the Victorian corset, crinoline romanticism, the Moulin Rouge,vaudeville, the period of Nana, inequalities, Manet era, the beginning of q new freestyle dance form with Isadore Duncan 2, the 1950s rocknroll Elvis pin up and old Hollywood Marilyn glamour, feminine elegance, housewife style and 3, the beginning til the peak of 60s revolution of short skirts, boots, Beatles and Bob Dylan world, beatnik poetry Belladonna Sadness revival with hippie affiliations.
Among the cultures; she was mostly influenced by the italianita and the parisienne maniere de vivre, le follie, the new wave cinema.
Her character is clowny, bedazzled by the world of circus and theatre, she loves paintings of Raoul Dufy and David Hockney, poetry of Bukowski.
Her values are introspection, peace, elegance, openness, respect and her message is to follow our dreams, to be bold, colorful, to never give up and that no matter where you come from and to be Happy, to have Fun.
Her remarkable presence on stage is aspire us to look for the beauty in life to be bold and hopeful.
Her EP is about to be released in 2024: stay tuned.
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I propose concert with various costumes and it would be like a theatre piece.
1 musicien
Autonome en matériel pour moins de 50 personnes.
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Ca depend on. Paris no.
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Où avez-vous joué dans le passé ?
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3jours avant
La chanteuse (ou chanteur) présente dans les vidéos sera-t-elle la même ?
Est-il possible de choisir les chansons qui seront jouées ?
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